In emergencies, Medicare uses The Flying Doctors


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blue cross Different packages available for different groups .
blue cross Based on age.
blue cross occupation.
blue cross sex criteria.


blue cross A must for all those who lead a busy life with no proper rest.
blue cross Helps to detect any complications at an early stage and provides medical assistance to lead a long healthy life.
blue cross Standard executive check-up includes :
blue cross General investigation : ( cbc, blood group, blood sugar levels,urine examination, stool examination)
blue cross Lipid profile : ( cholesterol, triglyceride, hdl , ldl, chol./hdl ratio, apolipoproteins a & b)
blue cross Liver function test : ( bilirubin, sgpt, sgot, gamma gt, proteins, albumin, a/g ratio, alkaline phosphatase)
blue cross Kidney profile: ( creatinine, calcium, phosphorus, bun, urine microalbumin, uric acid).
blue cross Thyroid function test : (t3, t4 tsh )
blue cross Stress test / tread mill test.
blue cross Sonography of whole abdomen.
blue cross Resting ecg
blue cross Chest x ray
blue cross Physician consultation


blue cross Detects the complications in the body and helps to take timely preventive measures.
blue cross Helpful for age group 21 and above where life is very fast and stressful.
blue cross Includes :
blue cross General investigation ( cbc, blood sugar levels,sr.creatinine, sgpt, urine examination, stool examination)
blue cross Resting ecg
blue cross Chest x ray
blue cross General physical examination


blue cross One of the greatest worries of any family, is the concern of our beloved elders.
blue cross Timely check up helps to ru;e out furthur complications in the old age group aged 50 and above
blue cross Includes :
blue cross General investigation : ( cbc, blood sugar levels,urine examination, stool examination)
blue cross Liver function test : ( bilirubin, sgpt, sgot, gamma gt, proteins, albumin, a/g ratio, alkaline phosphatase)
blue cross Lipid profile : ( cholesterol, triglyceride, hdl , ldl, chol./hdl ratio, apolipoproteins a & b)
blue cross Kidney profile: ( creatinine, calcium, phosphorus, bun, urine microalbumin, uric acid.
blue cross Resting ecg
blue cross Chest x ray
blue cross Physician consultation


blue cross To give necessary and best attention to a mother, wife, sister, daughter and show that they are cared and loved.
blue cross Helps in preventing any abnormalities in the future life.
blue cross Includes :
blue cross General investigation : ( cbc, blood group, blood sugar levels,urine examination, stool examination)
blue cross Lipid profile : ( cholesterol, triglyceride, hdl , ldl, chol./hdl ratio, apolipoproteins a & b)
blue cross Thyroid function test : (t3, t4 tsh )
blue cross Kidney profile: ( creatinine, calcium, phosphorus, bun, urine microalbumin, uric acid.
blue cross Pap smear( if required)
blue cross Sonography of pelvis
blue cross Resting ecg
blue cross Chest x ray
blue cross Gyneacologist consultation


blue cross Ensures that your child gets the best at all times.
blue cross Avoids any complications arising with the child’s health due to modern unhealthy diets and lack of exercise.
blue cross Includes :
blue cross General investigation : (cbc, blood group, urine examination, stool examination)
blue cross Bilirubin , sgpt, sgot, cholesterol, calcium
blue cross Pediatric consultation
blue cross Opthalmic consultation


blue cross Stressfull life with lack of proper rest and nutrition may lead to cardiac complications.
blue cross Helps to detect and deal with any such complications at an early stage and helps to lead a healthy life.
blue cross Includes :
blue cross General investigation : ( cbc, blood group, blood sugar levels,urine examination, stool examination)
blue cross Lipid profile : ( cholesterol, triglyceride, hdl , ldl, chol./hdl ratio, apolipoproteins a & b)
blue cross Creatinine, uric acid
blue cross Stress test / tread mill test
blue cross Resting ecg
blue cross Chest x ray
blue cross Cardiologist consultation


blue cross Examination of patient before operating is necessary to avoid any operative complications.
blue cross This is done in consultation with the concerned surgeon.
blue cross Normal inclusions are: cbc, chest x-ray, ecg and physical check-up.
blue cross Tailor made or on-demand packages are available.

For further information, please contact us at:

for appointment, contact us on : (online appointment)